

Mid-Term Assessment: Report On Dr Friday Alih’s Stewardship

Despite the fact that Dr Alih Friday Adoyi will be one year in office by August 30th, 2017, he has recorded modest achievements on the floor of the House and with his constituents.
Dr Alih is the member representing Ofu State constituency in Kogi State House of Assembly.
An active lawmaker, Dr. Alih has moved several motions. He moved the motion calling on the state government to complete the Ejule water project and reticulate Ogbonicha surface water project to the adjourning communities of Ofabo, Emododa, Alloma, Igo etc. This motion has received attention as contractors have since be recalled to site. It is a work in progress. These, when completed and reticulated, will address the acute shortage of water problem in these communities in his Ofu constituency.
He also moved the motion calling on the state government to complete all abandoned MDG’s project in Ofu local government area, especially in Umomi and Ejule. He equally call on government to equip and staff the existing General Hospitals in Ugwolawo, Alloma, Onicha-Igo and Itobe. These when achieved, will ensure easy access to all important health services.
Unrelenting Dr Alih moved the motion calling on the state government to urgently assist the victims of rain storm disaster in Itobe and other affected communities in Ofu LGA.
Back at home in his constituency, he contributed to the rehabilitation of examination hall in Government Secondary School, Itobe which was completely damaged by rain storm.
Dr Alih Youth Empowerment Initiative in collaboration with AIM Global International empowered over 30 youths to enable them to be self-reliant.
Within this short time on the State Assembly, he has made enviable efforts to develop education in Ofu. He gave out end-of-year project research support to over 50 final year indigenes in Kogi State University, Anyigba. He paid WAEC fees for the best three students of GSS Alloma. He single-handedly employed three science teachers to augment shortage of staff in E.C.S.S Ofabo and Community Secondary School, Onicha-Igo. Plans are ongoing to extend the similar gesture to other community owned secondary schools in Ofu LGA.
The ongoing construction of four blocks of classroom at LGEA Primary School, Ugbedu,Ofoke ward is to his credit.
The ongoing drilling of motorized borehole in Iga-Ebije, Aloji ward is 85% completed. The motorized borehole project in Ofabo, Ogbonicha ward is 65% completed.
He has consistently paid hospital bills of the less privileged in his constituency and has not failed to distribute food otems during festivals.
He has handled his oversight functions effectively. As Chairman, House Committee on Water Resources, he worked hard and his efforts led to improvement in water supply in Lokoja metropolis. His efforts, in collaboration with Ministry of Water Resources, led to the increase in rural water projects in 2017 Kogi State Budget.
Three days after he was appointed Chairman, House Committee on Health, the committee along side other stakeholders mediated between the state government and the striking Nigeria Medical Association (NMA). Their efforts led to the suspension of the then ten days old strike action embarked upon by medical doctors in the state.

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